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Protein (Classes, Physical and Chemical Properties, grouping)

The Protein


(a) Classify Protein
(b) Grouping Protein
(c) Structure of Protein

(i) Primary  structure

(refers  to  the  sequence  of  amino  acids  joined  by peptide bonds in a polypeptide chain. )

(ii) Secondary structure

§ Regular pattern of coiled or folded poplypeptide chain

§Maintained by  hydrogen  bonds  between  CO

-group  of  one amino acid and NH

-group of another.

§Alpha - helix formed from coiling of a polypeptide chain.

§ Beta - pleated sheet formed from folding of a polypeptide chain.

§Fibrous   proteins - which   are   insoluble   in   water consist   of proteins of secondary structures.

§Fibrous   proteins   perform   structural   function   for   examples, keratin in hair and nails, collagen in tendon.


·Tertiary Structure

§Refer   to   specific   and   precise   three   dimensional   compact

structure formed from folding and coiling of polypeptide chain.

§With interaction between R groups/ side chains.

§Maintained    byhydrogen    bonds, disulphidebonds  and hydrophobic interactions.

oDisulfidebond is between cysteine amino acids.

oHydrogen bond is between polar groups amino acids

oIonic bond is between ionised amino group and ionised carboxylgroup

oHydrophobicinteraction is   between   non   polar   side chains

§Is globular with spherical shape

§Soluble  in  water  with  hydrophilic  /  polar  groups  facing  to


§Tertiary  structure  is  important  for  the  functions  of  soluble proteins such as enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

·Quaternary Structure

§Formed  from  the  association  of  more  than  one  polypeptide


§Haemoglobin   is   an   example   of   globular   protein   having

quaternary structure

§Haemoglobin  is  made  up  of  four  polypeptide  chains  held together by

oDisulfide bond is between cysteine amino acids

oHydrogen bond is between polar groups

oIonic  bond  is  between  ionised  amino  acids  and  ionised carboxyl groups

oHydrophobic   interaction   is   between   non-polar   side chains

§Each  polypeptide  chain  of  haemoglobin  has  a  haem  group  or prosthetic group  containing  iron  atom  for  binding  to  oxygen molecules.

§Collagen  is  an  example  of  fibrous  protein  having  quaternary structure

§In  collagen,  there  are  3  polypeptides  in  the  form  of  helix maintained by hydrogen bonds

§Adjacent collagen molecules are linked by covalent bonds

(d) Function 

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